This document covers the necessary steps to migrate from Snowplow to RudderStack and replace your instrumentation code. You can then start using the RudderStack SDKs to track your events with minimal code changes.

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Setting up RudderStack dashboard

  1. Sign up for RudderStack Cloud.
  2. Set up the source-destination connections in the dashboard to facilitate the event data flow. For more information on setting up the connections, refer to the Quickstart guide.
Note the source write key and the data plane URL as they will be used in the next section.

Updating the SDK implementation

Depending on the platform, follow these steps to move your existing Snowplow SDK implementation to RudderStack:

Follow the below steps to migrate to the RudderStack Android SDK:
RudderStack distributes the Rudder Snowplow adapter SDK through Maven Central. It is recommended to add the SDK to your project through the Android Gradle build system.
  1. Add the following lines of code in your project level app/build.gradle file:
    buildscript {
    repositories {
    allprojects {
    repositories {
  2. Add the following dependency under dependencies section in your app/build.gradle file:
    implementation ''
  3. Update your SDK initialization to any one of the following snippet (method 1, 2, or 3 in the below snippets). Also, replace the WRITE_KEY and DATA_PLANE_URL with your source write key and data plane URL obtained in the above section.
    //Method 1: Default values are considered for all the configuration objects
    //except networkConfiguration.
    RSTracker tracker = new RSTracker()
    this, WRITE_KEY, networkConfiguration
    //Method 2: Default values are considered for all the configuration objects.
    RSTracker tracker = new RSTracker()
    //Method 3: Values for all the configuration objects must be provided.
    RSTracker tracker = new RSTracker()
    this, WRITE_KEY, networkConfiguration,
    sessionConfiguration, trackerConfiguration,
    //Method 1: Default values are considered for all the configuration objects
    //except networkConfiguration.
    val tracker = RSTracker()
    this, WRITE_KEY, networkConfiguration
    //Method 2: Default values are considered for all the configuration objects.
    val tracker = RSTracker()
    //Method 3: Values for all the configuration objects must be provided.
    val tracker = RSTracker()
    this, WRITE_KEY, networkConfiguration,
    sessionConfiguration, trackerConfiguration,
Refer to the Setting the configuration objects section for more information on using these configuration objects.

Follow the below steps to migrate to the RudderStack iOS SDK:

  1. Add the SDK to your Podfile as shown:
    pod 'RudderSnowplowMigrator', '1.0.0.beta.1'
  2. Run the following command:
    pod install
  3. Add the following code in all the .m and .h files (for Objective-C) or .swift files(for Swift) where you want to refer or use RudderStack SDK classes:
    @import RudderSnowplowMigrator;
    import RudderSnowplowMigrator
  4. Update your SDK initialization to any one of the following snippet (method 1, 2, or 3). Also, replace the WRITE_KEY and DATA_PLANE_URL with your source write key and data plane URL obtained in the above section.
    //Method 1: Default values are considered for all the configuration objects
    //except networkConfiguration.
    RSTracker *tracker = [RSTracker createTrackerWithWriteKey:WRITE_KEY network:networkConfig];
    //Method 2: Default values are considered for all the configuration objects.
    RSTracker *tracker = [RSTracker createTrackerWithWriteKey:WRITE_KEY dataPlaneUrl:DATA_PLANE_URL];
    //Method 3: Values for all the configuration objects must be provided.
    RSTracker *tracker = [RSTracker createTrackerWithWriteKey:WRITE_KEY network:networkConfig configurations:@[trackerConfig]];
    //Method 1: Default values are considered for all the configuration objects
    //except networkConfiguration.
    let tracker = RSTracker.createTracker(
    writeKey: WRITE_KEY,
    network: networkConfig
    //Method 2: Default values are considered for all the configuration objects.
    let tracker = RSTracker.createTracker(
    writeKey: WRITE_KEY,
    dataPlaneUrl: DATA_PLANE_URL
    //Method 3: Values for all the configuration objects must be provided.
    let tracker = RSTracker.createTracker(
    writeKey: WRITE_KEY,
    network: networkConfig,
    configurations: [trackerConfig, sessionConfig]
Refer to the the Setting the configuration objects section for more information on using these configuration objects.
To migrate to the RudderStack JavaScript SDK, add the following code snippet in the <head> section of your website. Also, replace the WRITE_KEY and DATA_PLANE_URL with your source write key and data plane URL obtained in the above section.

//Optionally, use RudderStack JavaScript SDK load options
<script src=""></script>

The <Configurations> parameter in the above snippet can be replaced by the following Snowplow properties which are mapped to the RudderStack properties as shown:

Snowplow propertyRudderStack property

Setting the configuration objects for mobile SDKs

RudderStack supports setting values for the following Snowplow configuration objects in the mobile SDKs (iOS/Android). If not set, the default values are assigned.


The NetworkConfiguration class can be used to specify the collector endpoint, as shown:

// 1
RSNetworkConfiguration *networkConfig = [[RSNetworkConfiguration alloc] initWithDataPlaneUrl:DATA_PLANE_URL];
// 2
RSNetworkConfiguration *networkConfig = [[RSNetworkConfiguration alloc] initWithDataPlaneUrl:DATA_PLANE_URL controlPlaneUrl:CONTROL_PLANE_URL];
// 1
let networkConfig = NetworkConfiguration(dataPlaneUrl: DATA_PLANE_URL)
// 2
let networkConfig = NetworkConfiguration(dataPlaneUrl: DATA_PLANE_URL, controlPlaneUrl: CONTROL_PLANE_URL)
// 1
NetworkConfiguration networkConfiguration = new NetworkConfiguration(DATA_PLANE_URL);
// 2
NetworkConfiguration networkConfiguration = new NetworkConfiguration(DATA_PLANE_URL, CONTROL_PLANE_URL);
// 1
val networkConfiguration = NetworkConfiguration(DATA_PLANE_URL)
// 2
val networkConfiguration = NetworkConfiguration(DATA_PLANE_URL, CONTROL_PLANE_URL)
If not set, the default values for dataPlaneUrl and controlPlaneUrl are taken as and respectively.


The SessionConfiguration class can be used to capture sessions to track the user activity in the app, as shown:

RSSessionConfiguration *sessionConfig = [[RSSessionConfiguration alloc] initWithForegroundTimeout:[[NSMeasurement alloc] initWithDoubleValue:30 unit:NSUnitDuration.minutes] backgroundTimeout:[[NSMeasurement alloc] initWithDoubleValue:30 unit:NSUnitDuration.minutes]];
// 2
RSSessionConfiguration *sessionConfig = [[RSSessionConfiguration alloc] initWithForegroundTimeoutInSeconds:60 backgroundTimeoutInSeconds:60];
// 1
let sessionConfig = SessionConfiguration(
foregroundTimeout: Measurement(value: 30, unit: .minutes),
backgroundTimeout: Measurement(value: 30, unit: .minutes)
// 2
let sessionConfig = SessionConfiguration(foregroundTimeoutInSeconds: 60, backgroundTimeoutInSeconds: 60)
SessionConfiguration sessionConfiguration = new SessionConfiguration(
new TimeMeasure(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES),
new TimeMeasure(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
val sessionConfiguration = SessionConfiguration(
TimeMeasure(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES),
TimeMeasure(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
You need to pass both the arguments for SessionConfiguration class as shown in the above code snippets. However, RudderStack ignores the first argument (as it is a dummy argument) and considers only the second argument (backgroundTimeout).
For mobile SDKs, Snowplow's default timeout session is 30 minutes whereas RudderStack's default timeout session is 5 minutes. Refer to the RudderStack Session Tracking documentation for more information.


The TrackerConfiguration class can be used to configure contexts and automatic events of the tracker and the general behavior, as shown in the below snippets:

RSTrackerConfiguration * trackerConfig = [
[RSTrackerConfiguration alloc] init
[trackerConfig base64Encoding: YES];
[trackerConfig logLevel: LogLevelDebug];
[trackerConfig sessionContext: YES];
[trackerConfig deepLinkContext: YES];
[trackerConfig applicationContext: YES];
[trackerConfig platformContext: YES];
[trackerConfig geoLocationContext: NO];
[trackerConfig screenContext: YES];
[trackerConfig screenViewAutotracking: YES];
[trackerConfig lifecycleAutotracking: YES];
[trackerConfig installAutotracking: YES];
[trackerConfig exceptionAutotracking: YES];
[trackerConfig diagnosticAutotracking: NO];
[trackerConfig userAnonymisation: NO];
[trackerConfig appId: APP_ID];
let trackerConfig = TrackerConfiguration()
TrackerConfiguration trackerConfiguration = new TrackerConfiguration()
val trackerConfiguration = TrackerConfiguration()

Snowplow automatically captures and tracks the following data. Refer to the Auto-tracked events and entities section for more information.

Variable nameDefault value
RudderStack ignores any variable other than the ones mentioned above.


The SubjectConfiguration class can be used to capture basic user information which is attached to all the events as the context entity.

Snowplow does not provide any call to identify a user. However, RudderStack sends an identify call if you initialize the SubjectConfiguration class while initializing the SDK. Note that a user is not identified if the SDK is not initialized.

The userId field is mapped to the RudderStack's userId. All the other properties are mapped to RudderStack's traits object.

userId is a mandatory field. If not provided, the identify call is ignored.
RSSubjectConfiguration * subjectConfig = [
[RSSubjectConfiguration alloc] init
[subjectConfig userId: @ "user_id"];
[subjectConfig traits: @ {
@ "key_1": @ "value_1", @ "key_2": @20, @ "key_3": @YES
let subjectConfig = SubjectConfiguration()
.traits(["key_1": "value_1", "key_2": 20, "key_3": true])
Traits.Address address = new Traits.Address()
.putCity("city value")
.putCountry("country value")
.putPostalCode("postalCode value")
.putState("state value")
.putStreet("street value");
Traits.Company company = new Traits.Company()
.putName("name value")
.putId("id value")
.putIndustry("industry value");
Traits traits = new Traits()
.putAge("age value")
.putBirthday("birthday value")
.putCreatedAt("createAt value")
.putDescription("description value")
.putEmail("email value")
.putFirstName("fName value")
.putGender("gender value")
.putId("id value")
.putLastName("lName value")
.putName("name value")
.putPhone("phone value")
.putTitle("title value")
.putUserName("userName value")
.put("Key-1", "value-1")
.put("Key-2", 20)
.put("Key-3", true);
SubjectConfiguration subjectConfiguration = new SubjectConfiguration()
val address: Traits.Address = Traits.Address()
.putCity("city value")
.putCountry("country value")
.putPostalCode("postalCode value")
.putState("state value")
.putStreet("street value")
val company: Traits.Company = Traits.Company()
.putName("name value")
.putId("id value")
.putIndustry("industry value")
val traits = Traits()
.putAge("age value")
.putBirthday("birthday value")
.putCreatedAt("createAt value")
.putDescription("description value")
.putEmail("email value")
.putFirstName("fName value")
.putGender("gender value")
.putId("id value")
.putLastName("lName value")
.putName("name value")
.putPhone("phone value")
.putTitle("title value")
.putUserName("userName value")
.put("Key-1", "value-1")
.put("Key-2", 20)
.put("Key-3", true)
val subjectConfiguration = SubjectConfiguration()

Updating class names

The below table lists the corresponding class names in Snowplow and RudderStack (mobile SDKs) which need to be updated based on your platform:


Sending event data

You can migrate your existing events from Snowplow to RudderStack by following the below sections:

Identifying a user

Snowplow's SubjectConfiguration class can be used to identify the users. Refer to the Setting the configuration objects section for more information.

Snowplow supports identifying a user by passing the setUserId method. A Snowplow event including the setUserId method triggers the identify call in the RudderStack JavaScript SDK.

RudderStack supports only the setUserId method of the Snowplow v2 JS tracker.

In the below sample call, is the userId, while firstName, lastName, and city are the user traits.

rs.snowplowAdapter('setUserId', '', {
firstName: 'Alex',
lastName: 'Keener',
city: 'New Orleans',

Tracking user actions

RudderStack SDKs support the following types of Snowplow events:

Custom structured events

RudderStack sends a track call for the Snowplow events containing the Structured class.

In the below example, RudderStack maps Action_example to the RudderStack event name and the rest of the properties like Category_example, label, value, etc. to the RudderStack properties.

RSStructured * structured = [
[RSStructured alloc] initWithCategory: @ "Category_example"
action: @ "Action_example"
[structured label: @ "my-label"];
[structured property: @ "my-property"];
[structured value: @5];
[structured properties: @ {
@ "key_1": @ "value_1", @ "key_2": @ "value_2"
[tracker track: structured];
let structured = Structured(category: "Category_example", action: "Action_example")
.properties(["key_1": "value_1", "key_2": "value_2"])
HashMap < String, Object > properties = new HashMap < > ();
properties.put("key-1", "value 1");
properties.put("key-2", 123);
properties.put("key-3", 123.45);
properties.put("key-4", true);
properties.put("key-5", false);
Structured structured = new Structured("Category_example", "Action_example")
val properties = mapOf<String, Any>(
"key-1" to "value 1",
"key-2" to 123,
"key-3" to 123.45,
"key-4" to true,
"key-5" to false
val structured = Structured("Category_example", "Action_example")

Custom self described events

RudderStack sends a track call for the Snowplow events containing the SelfDescribing class.

In the below example, RudderStack maps action to the RudderStack event name.

// 1
RSSelfDescribingJson * selfDescribingJson = [
[RSSelfDescribingJson alloc] initWithSchema: @ "schema"
andDictionary: @ {
@ "action": @ "Action_2", @ "key_2": @ "value_2"
RSSelfDescribing * selfDescribing = [
[RSSelfDescribing alloc] initWithEventData: selfDescribingJson
// 2
RSSelfDescribing * selfDescribing = [
[RSSelfDescribing alloc] initWithSchema: @ "schema"
payload: @ {
@ "action": @ "Action_2", @ "key_2": @ "value_2"
[tracker track: selfDescribing];
// 1
let selfDescribingJson = SelfDescribingJson(schema: "schema", andDictionary: ["action": "Action_2"])
let selfDescribing = SelfDescribing(eventData: selfDescribingJson)
// 2
let selfDescribing = SelfDescribing(schema: "schema", payload: ["action": "Action_2"])
HashMap < String, Object > properties = new HashMap < > ();
properties.put("action", "Action-2");
properties.put("key-1", "value 1");
// 1
SelfDescribingJson selfDescribingJson = new SelfDescribingJson("schema", payload)
SelfDescribing selfDescribing = new SelfDescribing(selfDescribingJson)
// 2
SelfDescribing selfDescribing = new SelfDescribing("schema", payload)
val payload = mapOf < String, Any > (
"action" to "Action-2",
"key-2" to "value-2"
// 1
val selfDescribingJson = SelfDescribingJson("schema", payload)
val selfDescribing = SelfDescribing(selfDescribingJson)
// 2
val selfDescribing = SelfDescribing("schema", payload)
action is a mandatory field. RudderStack does not send any call if it is absent.

Custom foreground events

RudderStack sends a track call for the Snowplow events containing the Foreground class.

RudderStack sends the event name as Application Opened and maps the rest of the properties like index, properties, etc. to the RudderStack properties.

RSForeground * foreground = [
[RSForeground alloc] initWithIndex: @1
[foreground properties: @ {
@ "key_1": @ "value_1"
[tracker track: foreground];
let foreground = Foreground(index: 1)
.properties(["key_1": "value_1"])
HashMap < String, Object > properties = new HashMap < > ();
properties.put("key-1", "value 1");
properties.put("key-2", 123);
properties.put("key-3", 123.45);
properties.put("key-4", true);
properties.put("key-5", false);
Foreground foreground = new Foreground(1234);
val properties = mapOf<String, Any>(
"key-1" to "value 1",
"key-2" to 123,
"key-3" to 123.45,
"key-4" to true,
"key-5" to false
Foreground foreground = Foreground(1234) = properties
This is not a default application lifecycle event. Hence, the properties like version, build, etc. are not present under properties.

Custom background events

RudderStack sends a track call for the Snowplow events containing the Background class.

RudderStack sends the event name as Application Backgrounded and maps the rest of the properties, like index, properties, etc. to the RudderStack properties.

RSBackground * background = [
[RSBackground alloc] initWithIndex: @1
[background properties: @ {
@ "key_1": @ "value_1"
[tracker track: background];
let background = Background(index: 1)
.properties(["key_1": "value_1"])
HashMap < String, Object > properties = new HashMap < > ();
properties.put("key-1", "value 1");
properties.put("key-2", 123);
properties.put("key-3", 123.45);
properties.put("key-4", true);
properties.put("key-5", false);
Background background = new Background(1234);
val properties = mapOf<String, Any>(
"key-1" to "value 1",
"key-2" to 123,
"key-3" to 123.45,
"key-4" to true,
"key-5" to false
Background background = Background(1234) = properties
This is not a default application lifecycle event. Hence, the properties like version, build, etc. are not present under properties.
The RudderStack JavaScript SDK supports the Snowplow's trackStructEvent and trackSelfDescribingEvent calls. These Snowplow calls capture user events along with their associated properties and trigger the track call in the RudderStack JavaScript SDK.

A sample trackSelfDescribingEvent call is shown below:
rs.snowplowAdapter('trackSelfDescribingEvent', {
event: {
data: {
action: 'order completed',
category: 'FCW',
product_id: 'P1100DFG9766',
revenue: 30,
currency: 'USD',
user_actual_id: 12345,
In the above code snippet, the trackSelfDescribingEvent method tracks the Order Completed event along with other information like revenue, currency, and user_actual_id, etc.

A sample trackStructEvent call is shown below:
rs.snowplowAdapter('trackStructEvent', {
action: 'order completed',
category: 'FCW',
label: 'Sample label',
property: 'Some property',
value: 40.0,
In the above code snippet, the trackStructEvent method tracks the Order Completed event along with other information like label, property, and value, etc.
The action field is mandatory in both the calls.

Tracking page or screen views

Snowplow's ScreenView class captures whenever a new screen is loaded. A Snowplow event including the ScreenView class triggers the screen call in the RudderStack iOS/Android SDK.

RudderStack maps the name property to RudderStack event name and the rest of the properties, like screenId, previousName, previousId, etc. to the RudderStack properties.
RSScreenView * screen = [
[RSScreenView alloc] initWithName: @ "DemoScreenName"
screenId: [
[NSUUID alloc] init
[screen type: @ "type"];
[screen previousName: @ "previousName"];
[screen previousId: @ "previousId"];
[screen previousType: @ "previousType"];
[screen transitionType: @ "transitionType"];
[screen viewControllerClassName: @ "viewControllerClassName"];
[screen topViewControllerClassName: @ "topViewControllerClassName"];
[screen properties: @ {
@ "key_1": @ "value_1",
@ "key_2": @ "value_2"
[tracker track: screen];
let screen = ScreenView(name: "DemoScreenName", screenId: UUID())
.properties: ([
"key_1": "value_1",
"key_2": "value_2"
ScreenView screenView = new ScreenView("MainActivity", UUID.randomUUID())
val screenView = ScreenView("MainActivity", UUID.randomUUID())
Snowplow's trackPageView call lets you record your website's page views with any additional relevant information about the viewed page. A Snowplow event including the trackPageView call triggers the screen call in the RudderStack JavaScript SDK.

A sample trackPageView call is shown below:
title: 'Cart Viewed',
path: '/best-seller/1',
referrer: '',
search: 'estore bestseller',
title: 'The best sellers offered by EStore',
url: '',
In the above code snippet, SDK captures the page title and other contextual information.

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